Getting the most out of GetToGripsWith

Getting the most out of
Getting the most out of

We appreciate you taking the time to stop by and check out our blog and we want to ensure that you make the best use of GetToGripsWith. In this post, we guide you through our website to maximize your experience with us. Let's dive in!

Navigating the website

At GetToGripsWith, we aim to provide quality resources for you. If you have any subject on your mind, feel free to use the search icon at the top right corner of the webpage. 

Search icon at the top right corner of the webpage
Search icon at the top right corner of the webpage

Our navigation menu helps check the posts that are related to the main topics this website covers. At GetToGripsWith, our goal is to deliver great tutorials posts and step by step explanations related to desktop applications (softwares) and mobile apps and many subjects from various educational fields.

Navigation menu
Navigation menu

Depending on the size of your table or mobile device, the navigation menu may be collapsed. Press the three dots in order to expand the menu and see it all.
Navigation menu collapsed
Navigation menu collapsed

Navigation menu expanded
Navigation menu expanded

Click on any of our blog posts to read it. 

Blog posts
Blog posts

To find similar posts. click on one of the tags assigned to the post.

 If you like any of our posts, we encourage you to share it. In order to do so, click on the share icon. 
Share posts
Share posts icon

The share dialog will appear and you can select the method with which you would like to share your post. 

Share dialog
Share dialog
After checking a post, you can go back to the homepage by clicking on the arrow at the top left corner of the screen.
Return arrow
Return arrow
In the sidebar of the homepage, you can find some quick links such as our contact page. In addition to that, if you click on the down arrow next to the word "Labels", you can find a list of all of the topics that are covered by this website.

Under the labels section, you can also find out most popular posts.

Popular posts
Popular posts
However, on smaller screens such as tablets and mobile devices, you will need to click on the hamburger menu icon to see these sections.
Hamburger menu icon
Hamburger menu icon

Sidebar on mobile expanded
Sidebar on mobile expanded

At the bottom of the webpages of this website, you will find direct links to our social media accounts. Support our work by following our social media accounts to keep up with our latest posts and provide us with your feedback.

Social media accounts
Social media accounts

 GetToGripsWith Youtube channel

Other than this website, GetToGripsWith has its own dedicated Youtube channel that hosts video tutorials that reflects the subjects discussed on our website. For every post on this a website, there will be a video on our Youtube channel. By doing this, we aim to provide you with the possibility to choose your preferred learning method.

GetToGripsWith learning methodology

GetToGripsWith aims to provide learning resources of various levels accompanied with resources that will help you sharpen your skills. Let's demonstrate this with an example. Assume that our subject is Microsoft Excel. GetToGripsWith will provide resources at three different levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. In addition to that, there will be dedicated resources for projects and tips. In other words, GetToGripsWith will present the Microsoft Excel top as follows:

  • Get to grips with Microsoft Excel - Beginner - part 1: How to...
  • Get to grips with Microsoft Excel - Intermediate - part 1: How to...
  • Get to grips with Microsoft Excel - Advanced - part 1: How to...
  • Get to grips with Microsoft Excel - Projects - project #1: Building a...
  • Get to grips with Microsoft Excel - Tips - tip #1: How...

Using this approach, we hope to provide a comprehensive learning experience that suits your learning needs while also being an easy and accessible go-to reference for you at a later time. 

Thank you for your time checking this page. We hope you will enjoy our website.